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5 healthy morning tips to start a perfect day

1. The best of productivity healthy morning routines: Decide the ONE most important thing to do

Do you get up from bed and already feel overwhelmed with the things you have to do? Not a very good way to start your day…
Decide the ONE most important thing to accomplish during the day and…preferably make sure we tackle it first.
To find the task that is the most important to you just ask yourself: “What is the task that if I accomplish today just that, I will be satisfied with my day?”
Found it? Awesome. No you are ready to go tackle it!

2. The best of nutritious healthy morning routines: Eat breakfast

Eat SOMETHING! Eating breakfast is one of the healthiest morning routines you can have! It will help you jump start your metabolism, and give the appropriate energy you need to get on with the day.
If your choice of foods is healthy, then great. Fruits, and foods with proteins will work nicely.

3. The best of happiness healthy morning routines: Meditate in appreciation

Woke up in a bad mood? Just spend 10 breaths pondering about the good stuff in your life. You may feel grateful about…
  • Your body – Just think how many cells do their job right, right now, just to keep YOU living – this is true even if you are sick.
  • The people you love – Your family, husband/wife, friends, etc.
  • The work you do, or your hobbies – Aren’t the flowers in your garden pure beauties?

4. The best of energizer healthy morning routines: Get moving

Exercise gets your blood flowing…and it feels so good!
If you are an outdoors person, you could…
  • Jog
  • Take a walk
  • Take a walk bouncing a basket-ball at the same time
If you are an indoors person, you could…
  • Do 5 min of yoga – hating Mondays is optional!
  • Work out in your dining room, while you wait for your breakfast to be ready.
  • Do 2 sets of push-ups.
5. The best of connecting healthy morning routines: Say “I love you”
Just say it. Don’t neglect it. Why avoid saying something so simple, that has the power to make people so happy?

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